Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More strange and wonderful soldiers.

A few more of these foto's of our uniformed friends.

Don't get up on my account, soldier. It's just my birthday, thats all.

Yeah, that's one reason, the other is we didn't like taking showers with men, who liked taking showers with men.

Fraternising with the enemy can sometimes tempting.

But, pin ups are safer. 

Stick and stones, a new Chinese secret weapon, ooh I'm scared!

Now they're shouting at me. That's it, I'm going home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Strange Soldiers

As I'm an old soldier myself, I've always had an interest in how armies around the world look and behave. Well they might want want to kill me. But, I'm a little relieved to know that some of these foto's make me feel a little easier.
   This makes me feel much easier, quite happy in fact

Just what are these Koreans trying to achieve?

Ok, what is this all about?

Here's the Peoples Red Army of China practising surrender and not looking too happy about it.

A nice salute

North Koreans Getting it right.

Russians getting it wrong. Action Man can do it better.

Are these guys serious? A colourful approach.

A think it's the Catering Corps.

More Tomorow.