Thursday, July 28, 2005

Fun Harryhausen Interview

I've been pretty busy lately spending time with my wife, family, and friends, editing wedding videos, and catching up on paperwork over the last few weeks. I also recently attended a Set Etiquette and Protocol course in Calgary and interviews here in Edmonton to keep the professional skills up to date. If that isn't enough, my wife and I have been helping a friend renovate his home, nearly gutting the interior completely! So there's been no shortage of things to get done.

In the next couple of days, I'll hopefully be posting some cool images (from stuff I've found in the Lost Archive), but dug up this gem for Harryhausen fans in the meantime:

Rick Trembles at the Montreal Mirror Film website conducted a fun interview with Ray Harryhausen at the recent Fantasia event hosted by fps magazine. I especially enjoyed the great characatures of Ray at work!

Thanks to Cartoon Brew for the link.

UPDATE: Photos of Ray, a skeleton model from Jason and the Argonauts, and the event can be seen at this link.