Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Goodies For The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D

Screenshot from Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas © Walt Disney Pictures.

Catch a glimpse of how the wizards at Industrial Light and Magic and Disney transformed Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas into a 3-D film format in this video.

Photo of Tim Burton from USA Today. Photo by Robert Hanashiro.
Photo: Robert Hanashiro / USA TODAY.

Tim Burton discusses the impact of the film at this article:
"It makes the movie weirdly better; you just see it the way it was meant to be — completely dimensional," says Burton, 48, on a visit to his native Southern California from his adopted home in London. "It takes the story and actually deepens it. I see details in the sets that I don't remember seeing."

Burton has resisted tampering with the 1993 film that has become a cult classic. With so many current movies generating sequels or even forcing out a trilogy, Burton's Nightmare stands alone. There will not be another installment, he says. But that's not for lack of trying on the part of Disney, the studio that released Nightmare.

Burton — whose most recent films are The Corpse Bride and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and who is in pre-production on the screen adaptation of another macabre story, Sweeney Todd — fends off sequel offers from "each new regime that comes in" at Disney. "I just say no. So, there won't be a Jack Visits Thanksgiving World."

Part of his desire to keep the movie a solo offering has to do with the connection the stop-motion animated film has forged with die-hard fans.

"You can't screw around with that," says Burton. "It's not a mass-market kind of thing. It's kind of specialized."
Visit the official movie site at this link where you can watch Jack's head follow your cursor, check out the remasterd soundtrack (with tracks from Marilyn Manson, Fiona Apple, and of course, Danny Elfman), and enter a contest to create a character and win a greeting from Tim Burton for your MySpace page.

IESB has video clips and photos from the coverage of the film's premiere at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood at this link.

Thanks to Cartoon Brew for the first video link!