Thursday, September 16, 2010

Great Movies of the 70's

These are what we watched at the cinema when I was a teenager. No multiplexes then, just a choice of gallery or stalls. An usherette came round with ice creams and cold drinks. Plumes of curling cigarette smoke was caught in the light of the projection, great days, here's what we watched.

Bullitt, it came round for a 2nd viewing as a supporting movie, we flocked to see it.


A great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Jaws, the scariest shark in the world, the first movie I took a girl to.

We had to sneak into this film, now it seems tame, then it was a worry.

I loved all the funny little noises he made, before he obliterated his enemies.

The first Vietnam movie I ever watched. I was as fascinated by the life in USA as I was with the Vietnam bits. Before, all movies were in New York or L.A.

I always had a problem with kids called Damien after this.


 We watched this at least 3 times at the Cinema, it just kept returning.A boys film, girlfriends not invited.

More of these soon!