Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day at the seaside

Hi Everyone! I'm Dave Fraser.

I live in Czech Republic in a small town near Brno. Life's good here but there's no sea, so I thought I'd put up a few pics about visiting the seaside.
Hope you like them.

This is just a nice a photo, but make sure you get to the beach early

And pick the the right time of the year

Getting there by plane is a good idea, but be careful where you park, the tide'll come in.

Check the weather forecast before you leave

And keep watching for slight changes

Always obey the rules

And no hanky panky please

Children might be watching

Watch out, the fish might bite

But never fear, beach patrol is on hand

Looking for those tell-tale signs of life.

You can see famous people at the seaside, always with hangers on!

Oh, look! it's my girlfriend!

it's ok, the wife's looking the other way

She always causes a storm

I normally cover up

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