Sunday, May 31, 2009

New British Government is here

We all know that Gordon and his chums are finished. So here are a few likely contenders. Let's face it, we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a while now. These new guys are a breath of fresh air.

So it's Gordon out, this one in.

A word in your ear, Prime Minister!

The Health Secretary........

Woops, no... , he's fallen out of the window.

So, here's his replacement, he can see better.

New Sports Minister, but he'll have to get used to wearing running shoes on his feet.

Agriculture Minister.....

and the Department of Agriculture

The New Home Secretary. He has that homely look, but you can't lead him by the nose.

New Culture Minister

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, will stay.

We've painted the Houses of Parliament!!

And we'll give the goverment these nice cars.

Yahoooooh!! Can't wait!!!!